I dream of one day buying a bouquet of magnolia blossoms wrapped in brown paper.
I dream of restoring an old house, with odd nooks and organized closet spaces.
I dream of having a place in my apartment to create... a place that won't be disturbed by biology notes and chemistry equations.
I dream of having children like my husband, little boys who wear cowboy boots and raise sheep for the fair and have curly-q hair, just like my husband. I dream of loving them like I love him. I dream of photographing their faces and hands, their toes, our lives together.
I also dream of having little girls with hair that will go into perfectly puffed, curly pigtails.
I dream of having a sweet pooch who will be good-natured and will go on walks with me through the woods.
I dream of riding my bike all over town with a bunch of peonies in my basket, along with my polaroid camera in the month of May.
I dream of a life well-lived, with messes and clean places and rain and happiness and sadness and adventures and popcorn on friday nights and movies together and travels...
I dream of the life I have and life that is yet to come, and some days it makes me so happy I just don't know what to do with myself.
i hope your kids have stick straight white/blonde hair. YEP! just kidding. I can't wait to see your kids!
you sound so dreamy!
oh how beautiful. thank you.
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