Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back to Logan.

Well, we're back in Utah.  This week, I'm visiting my sister in Utah County, so we haven't been HOME home, but we're home.  Our Elko adventure is over (for now, maybe).  Who knows, maybe we'll end up there when my housband graduates!  He went back without us to save some money from our expensive hotel and is staying with some wonderful friends of ours for the next two weeks.  It was a little sad to leave our little hotel room, pack everything up and leave knowing that the whole experience is over and all those things which annoyed me about living in a hotel were also a thing of the past.  I guess I'm weird like that, or maybe oddly sentimental.

These little babies turned 4 months on Monday!  They're growing so fast...  Such sweet little girls.  They slept separately, in cribs, and not in our room for the first time last Saturday night.  It was a lot of change!  But they did well.  It seems like just yesterday we came home from the hospital with them and here they are, almost rolling wiggle worms.  They're so cute and smiley, and SUCH good little babes.  We went to Target today and they did fabulously well.  They also got some of the cutest clothes.

Anyway.  I'll write more later... maybe when I'm not so tired.

1 comment:

Lauren Andersen said...

wait!?! no comments? oh ashley, i just love your adorable babies! you are one very lucky momma! xo