Thursday, June 10, 2010


I like to draw.  Did you know this about me?  I'll go through periods of drawing and drawing and drawing and then.... nothing.

Because I'm not that good, and because it gets discouraging.  But I like doing it, so I do anyway.

Lately, I've found the most inspiration from these three artists.  They're all women, and all really spectacular at what they do.

First up:  Tuesday Mourning.  She has an awesome name.  She also draws insane portraits.  Simple, but really very cool.

Both images courtesy of Tuesday via her blog.

Next, there's Melissa Peck.  She lives in Utah (bonus!) and paints these surreal portraits.  They are so stunning in person--she has some pieces at a gallery in Park City.  The colors she uses are so delicious, and the depth within her work is unbelievable.

All images from Melissa's blog.

Lastly, there's Cori Dantini.  I want to be just like her.  Well, not really.  Like her, but with my own spin.  She makes something so simple into such beautiful drawings... I like the grace within her drawing, how simple it is but complex at the same time.

All images via Cori's blog or her etsy shop.

I guess they're all pretty different, but they're my three favorites of the drawing/painting world right now.

So now I'm wondering--who are your favorites?  Anyone you think the world should know about?  I love finding new artists and inspiration.  Come out from behind the curtains!  Let me know!

Or don't.  But.... do.


Unknown said...

i like these artists too... very unique and fun.
and i like your new header -- your photos are great!
we do need to get together soon.
a game night is in the makings.

Unknown said...

and, ps, happy birthday to you today! i hope you have a good celebration!