Wednesday, March 28, 2012

35 weeks

Today I'm exactly 35 weeks. The last couple of days have been exciting--I've gotten a lot done, and I kind of feel like I'm just waiting now.  Over the weekend, I finished washing all their little clothes and socks, and even most of their blankets.  Because our lives are kind of up in the air right now, I haven't washed crib stuff... mostly due to the fact that we bought a pack'n'play, and they can share for a little while after they come home to my mom's house and beyond.  And if that doesn't work, then I always have those cribs, I guess, and I can wash everything after they get here.

I got my hair cut yesterday, and I had to laugh because I've kind of been growing it.  I told the girl cutting my hair I wanted something more fun, and she definitely gave me more fun... haha!  The back is a lot shorter than it was, but I can't complain too much.  It's just a little more hipster-ish than I would have thought to go for, but if it makes people think I'm cool, then I accept.  I can pretend, right? (Plus, that's what you get for telling the girl cutting your hair, who has long hair with shaved sides and lightning bolts cut in, that you want something "more fun." I kind of loved her though.)  I kept telling my housband over the weekend that I only needed to make it until Tuesday, because that's when my haircut was... everything else is irrelevant!  Hair is the only important thing!  Actually, I have never had a pedicure or manicure, so I think that's my way of splurging.

Bert and I.  And my haircut!
Then I noticed last night after work that my belly felt a lot lower.  In the last couple of days, they must have dropped, though I think it was probably yesterday.  I can breathe a little bit easier, and I had the thought occur to me several times that even though my belly is pretty heavy, I feel more normal.  After consulting with my housband, mother-in-law and housband's aunt, and they all said it looks lower, it kind of freaked me out, so I have at least the girls' diaper bag packed and ready.  I don't have anything packed for me to go to the hospital, so hopefully I can do that pretty quickly.  I'm truthfully kind of excited/scared; they must be coming soon-ish if they've dropped.  And then I'll have two babies, oh crap.  But then I'll be able to wash my feet in the shower and bend over to pick stuff up again!

I've also been really emotional the last few days, which has been pretty weird.  Especially that I can recognize it but not really have control over it.  All of these things must mean I'm going to have some babies soon.... right? I had a mini-breakdown on Monday night over some silly things, and I took a drive.  The dogs and I watched some horses and chickens and after, we bought some food and treats and I felt a lot better.  Then, yesterday, I felt like crying all day, but when I really thought about it, I couldn't think of why (besides my haircut, which I actually kind of like now, and I've never cried over a haircut in my life before).  And then I realized I must just have a lot of extra hormones at the moment.

So, here's how I'm looking at 35 weeks.


I know they're kind of crappy quality, but that's what you get when you use photobooth.  Also, I like that you can see Bert hanging out on the couch.  That's where he, Bagheera, and Teke like to perch and view the goings-on of the neighborhood.  And bark.  Too much.  (We're working on it.)


Meg said...

I cried every day the last month of pregnancy.

Audrey said...

You look great for being 35 weeks with twins! Just be warned, the crazy emotions may not end with the arrival of the babies. I was putting away maternity clothes yesterday and found myself teary-eyed which is completely inexplicable since I'm sooo happy to not be wearing them anymore. Hormones,gotta love them. Good luck with everything!

Adrienne Hansen said...

I want to see your hair!!!!!

Anonymous said...

look at you, you hipster momma! i like your hair and cannot wait to meet your two little girls - they're sure to be pretty cool too. and, for your sake, i do hope you go before me.