I've been sick 3 times since November.
Normally, I get sick once a year, so this is a LOT of colds with which I've had to deal. And my ears have been plugged since Monday. Needless to say, I can't really hear very well right now. It's sort of nice to be able to tune out the noise, but I also just can't hear what people are saying to me very well.
Brotherman keeps telling me that it's from stress, it's from stress, it's from stress, but I refuse to acknowledge that I'm stressed out. HOWever, I think I probably am--I can't even get refuge in my dreams anymore. In the last week, I've had dreams that I was:
- fighting with my sister, and really, really angry at her
- backstabbed/betrayed by my stepsister in a way that's all too familiar [not from my family, but someone else]
- ditched by my husband in a foreign country/ditched in general
- driving with my family, and my mom made my husband hitch a ride home from Colorado
I'm trying to relax and not worry so much, but wow... sometimes life is so stressful [& for the dumbest reasons]. I think I need to go home, drink my juice, and take a nap.
That Becca! She's trouble!!!
Stop stressing. Just relax!
you need to start drinking. that'll help.
Not you. Adrienne Hansen. We don't fight, remember?
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