Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Other highlights from the weekend:

Not in any particular order:
  • Krispy Kreme donuts on the way home
  • Late-night Dan in Real Life viewing [I love that movie]
  • A clean house--I just can't get over it
  • Coming home Friday night instead of Saturday, when we were originally supposed to come home
  • Pulling out one of my spring skirts and wearing it for the first time this year
  • Taking photos of this sweet babe:

Meet my niece, Bergen Jo.

I think this one's funny, mostly because she's a little too big to do this... and her expression is great.

I also got several good screaming/crying photos.

There are more good ones, but that's all I have for now. I just love her.

Now I'm going home to several nights by myself. Brotherman just left on a biking trip with some fellows til the end of the weekend, so I'm going to be all by my lonesome. But don't cry for me, Argentina: I have a video store rental card, a gym membership, plenty of projects, a sweet peanut butter pie recipe from Summer, and a floorplan for my spare room.

Wish me luck.


Amy said...


and those pictures are so sweet. I just love her too.

Anonymous said...

Have fun! I actually really enjoyed my solo week. There was lots of cleaning and baking and consumption of media. Also loud singing in the shower.

summer said...

yay! good luck!
this sounds like a very promising weekend.. especially a movie + pb pie. that's my kind of friday night.
hope you have fun!

Adrienne Hansen said...

good luck...with everything.
